Students Services
Seedling Productions have been offering SEN placements for students age 5-21 for over 20 years in a range of schools, colleges and outdoor venues.
Our Trauma Informed staff specialise in behaviour issues and now all placements are held on our own Specialist Outdoor Education venue in Solihull.
Referrals can be made direct from the school or through the Local Authority Inclusions Services.

Learning Outside The Classroom (LOTC)
Our outdoor venue and follies have been designed to encourage awe and wonder in all who attend. We find especially with children who have experienced Trauma or Behavioural Difficulties that this space encourages learning and give space and time for the young people to process what they have learnt.
Learning Outside the Classroom and learning in an environment with animals lends it self to academic and vocational skills.
However along with well recognised holistic benefits of this approach it also allows the young people to develop soft skills such as communication, empathy, body language and helps develop emotional intelligences.
We do however have a classroom on site to allow the young person to learn how to spend time indoors productively and we use this time and space to give them academic skills and behavioural tools they need as they progress back towards a mainstream setting.

ACEs Awareness and the Trauma Informed Approach.
A Trauma Informed Approach recognises individual trauma and experiences as well as recognising common aspects of all trauma such as the likelihood of triggers, sensory needs, demand avoidance, intrusive memories/flashbacks, hypervigilance and stimming.
Our staff have annual PACE training as trauma cases need to be dealt with sensitively and with he correct empathy. By understanding the young person's responses (i.e. flight, fight or freeze) and, in line with the latest research and recommendations by the U.K. Government, we use the ACEs Framework to provide a common language for use in early intervention.

More Information
If you would like to discuss a possible referral or come visit the venue then please do not hesitate to get in touch via phone, email or via the website contact form. You can also visit our Venue webpage via the link on our home page to see photos and other educational courses.
After initial consultation we will invite the young person along with their parents/ carers and/ or tutors/supporting staff for an Induction session. We will then provide the school/ inclusion officer with an assessment of the young persons needs and whether we think our provision would be a fitting placement.
Placement can then range from an hour a week to half and whole days and can be a flexible timetable to accommodate for settling in and for re-integration back to mainstream educational settings.